TERRANCE HOUNSELL, Photographic Artist
A Newfoundland based Photographic Artist utilizing a broad range of photographic techniques including:
19th Century Wet Plate Collodion,
20th Century Roll and Sheet Film, and
21st Century Digital media.
He also integrates free hand drawing and performance based light painting into his work effectively making it photographic based multi-media.
Examples of his work are currently held in both the City of St. John's art collection and the Provincial Art Bank at the Rooms.
Multiple winner of the NL Arts & Letters Competition and has appeared on Local and National Television programs and print media.
An artist member of the Eastern Edge Gallery and VANL (Visual Artists of Newfoundland and Labrador); also member of the VANL Advocacy Committee.
Operates a commercial scale darkroom. Teaches public and private workshops.
40 years experiance as of 2016, including Astrophotography, Infrared Photography, Wildlife Photography, Landscape Photography, Macro Photography, Architectural Photography, Product Photography, Book and CD Covers, Weddings, and Portraits etc...
To view his work first hand contact the artist directly or visit the Red Ochre Gallery on Duckworth Street in St. John's.